I have decided to create a monthly quick tip. Just a little something each month that may help you in your photographic endeavors. These tips are the result of problems that I or one of my friends have run into and how we solved the problem.
This month I'm going to cover setting up your camera before you go out with it.
My friend messaged me this morning about missing a shot because she didn't have her camera ready. She had it with her but was unable to get the shot because she was fumbling with a lens, or focusing or some other thing that messed her up. I myself have missed shots because of the very same thing. I have my camera with me, it just isn't set up for the lighting and area that I'm shooting in.
One thing that I find that helps alleviate this problem is setting up my camera before I even go out the door. I take into consideration where I'm going what the light is like, weather I'll be using flash or not, how big or small the area is and what I'll be shooting. From these factors I select an initial ISO and shutter speed. Once these two are set it's real easy to set aperture and make any fine adjustments to get that shot.
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